Text Yourself In Improvements
By Mark Brenneman on January 31, 2011
Beeker has been guarding our gate for a few months now. Many have entered. Parties have been had. Upgrades have been made.
Recently, we added some simple game aspects. The results have been great!
Personal Replies
We made sure all the numbers on the whitelist had personal replies. This gives the buzzer a much more human feel. Guests would come up the stairs excited to discuss their personal message. In a few cases, they even showed each other their responses. It reminded me of people sharing their fortunes in fortune cookies.
Recent Entries Display
We also made a simple website displaying a feed of recent guests. When a new guest arrived, the display would update and show who was entering. Many guests loved this greeting and even sent multiple texts to ensure their names remained on the display.
By introducing small gaming elements into our apartment, we hope friends will be encouraged to return and share more great times. If you have used the system before, thank you, and we hope to see you again.