Simple, Humble Problems

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I recently watched a great episode of Foundation with Kevin Systrom from Instagram (full video).

One point that stood out was when Kevin advised to focus on three humble, simple problems (link to quote)

Instagram solved three common photo app problems:

  1. Made photos look good (some would argue with this)
  2. Allowed the user to share photos on multiple networks
  3. Made photo uploading (appear) quicker

Solving problems is not a new mantra. I hear this all the time. But look at the problems that Instagram solved. They have a couple of things in common:

1. The problems are small

Filters, sharing on Twitter & Facebook, and uploading in the background were not massive, tech-heavy features. Instagram solved small problems people had with all other photo apps.

2. Users experience the solution almost immediately

Solving problems is great, but users must experience the solution. Users become hooked on Instagram when photos upload seemingly instantly. If users don’t experience your solution to their problem soon after giving you a chance, they are gone.

As product builders, we solve problems, but starting small is essential. If the problem is sharing photos, start with a small pain (slow photo uploading). Then, design the product so that users experience your solution immediately!